These two amazing, healthy, beautiful, smart, loving little girls are the most amazing blessings I could ever have received from God.
Tonight after they got home from being with their dad they demanded cuddle time with their mommy. :) So we just laid on the couch cuddling each other while we watched a movie.
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings." ~ Henry Ward Beecher
The three of us are so truly blessed by God.
I was a stay-at-home mom for 5 & 1/2 years, I have tried countless times to get back into the workforce since my divorce, but with the economy the way it is, it's just not happening.
I am blessed in that during my marriage I paid off all of my debt, including my car, so I have no bills to worry about. The few bills I do pay are just the bare necessities that everyone has to have in life.
I was a stay-at-home mom for 5 & 1/2 years, I have tried countless times to get back into the workforce since my divorce, but with the economy the way it is, it's just not happening.
I am blessed in that during my marriage I paid off all of my debt, including my car, so I have no bills to worry about. The few bills I do pay are just the bare necessities that everyone has to have in life.
God truly blessed me with amazingly, loving parents who took the girls and I into their very small home after the divorce. After which, they purchased a bigger house, in an area they would have never moved to, just so the girls could go to a good school and I would not have to worry and so I could get back on my feet. They provide for almost everything we need so that I can be there for my girls and not have to get just any random job that doesn't even begin to cover the cost of daycare, and so that I don't have to put my children in daycare yet, better yet, so I can be there for, and take care of my girls myself.
I am blessed that I was raised by a clean freak ;) and can now clean houses to make a little bit of an income to be able to do things with my girls. And that God has allowed me to find houses to clean for very sweet women who allow me to bring my girls with me if I need to do so. This has also allowed me to still be somewhat a stay-at-home mom, which has always been a huge deal to me. I always wanted to stay home with both my girls until they started elementary school, and God is allowing for that to be possible!
I am blessed that my girls and I get to spend all this time with my parents. My girls will have so many wonderful memories of their time living with my parents.
The fact alone that my car has made it as long as it has and has only last year needed the battery and tires replaced is a blessing indeed! (It's a 2003, with 102K+miles on it.)
It seems every time there is a need God handles it in some way, maybe not ways I would ever have put together or thought of, but sometimes when I look back at how things came to be, it amazes me that I can see that God was at work in that. There's just no other explanation for it...It's almost like a giant connect-the-dots scenario. It's as if God lines things up so that the need I have is met when I need it to be, but the dots were all lined up and connected along the way without me even realizing what was going on. Haha, this makes sense in my head, hopefully it somewhat makes sense here.
All I know is, I am truly grateful for all of God's blessings in my life, and for all the closed doors as well! I pray that God continues to bless us and guide us along the way. I pray that I listen and follow His will and not my own, that I continue to see His blessings in my life and not focus on the negative, and that I raise my girls to do the same. God has a way of answering my prayers that leaves me in awe and I don't have to worry, if I'm not paying attention when He does, He seems to smack me upside the head with it, almost literally!
I pray all of you focus on God's blessings in your life as well, there is just too much negativity in this world, we need to be grateful for all that we have and all that God provides for us each and every day. :)
Tiffanie (xoxo)
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